All Souls Prayer

Opening Prayer All Souls

God of Love,

Inspire us with the lives of those before us,

those ancient ones who have lived here in faith

and opened up and given away your love to all those who needed it.

May you change us with a vision to continue here

as a constant presence for those who travel through life,

a community of welcome that cares for all, believing into what is still yet to be.

Teach us to discern your voice  as those before us have discerned your voice, guided by its call and feeding on its promise

of life and hope and belonging.

May we hear your word: a comforting word in its familiar sound,

yet a disturbing word in what it speaks anew and longs for us to become.

Hold us within the faith of our forebears,

those who chose to meet you here in this faith.

May we be moved by that grace

into all the places that make up our community,

sharing what you have given abundantly

like an ever flowing stream.

Call us from our past,

through the voices of our ancestors,

in the songs they have sung

and the prayers they have spoken

that have shaped peace within this community,

And may we join our voice with their voice,

in the one great song of love that will be lived and celebrated yet,

throughout this community.

We ask this in the name of Jesus. All. Amen

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