Emancipation Proclamation

Transcript of the Proclamation January 1, 1863 A Transcription By the President of the United States of America: A Proclamation. Whereas, on the twenty-second day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, a proclamation was issued by the President of the United States, containing, among other things, the […]

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Homily 11th Sunday

Men created God in their own image.  Men created a God who seeks vengeance.  A God who was slow to forgive.  A God who made one feel guilty.  A God who created difficult and conflicting rules to follow. All of this created an environment where humanity felt isolated from God.  Where humanity felt excluded from […]

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Homily 10th Sunday: Family

Whenever someone posts on Facebook that their pet has died – usually a dog or cat – I reply with these or similar words, “I am so sorry, it is so difficult to lose a cherished member of the family.”  Having lost our own dog in 2012, I know just what a lost the death […]

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Homily Corpus Christi

Do you remember your First Communion?  I bet you remember the dress you wore or the suit you struggled not to wrinkle before Mass.  Remember the white prayer book?  The rosary beads?  Maybe you wore a special ring?  You lined up in a very straight line less sister hit you with her ruler.  Above all […]

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